Probability and Conditional Expectation
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This is a website of Prof. Dr. Rolf Steyer, Professor Emeritus at the department of methodology and evaluation research of the institute of psychology of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena.

Icon: External-website Steyer. R. & Nagel, W. (2017). Probability and conditional expectation: Fundamentals for the empirical sciences. Chichester: Wiley.
Icon: Adobe PDF Errata to Probability and Conditional Expectation: Fundamentals for the Empirical Sciences. Chichester: Wiley.
Icon: External-website A reader's letter about the book: Steyer. R. & Nagel, W. (2017). Probability and Conditional Expectation: Fundamentals for the Empirical Sciences. Chichester: Wiley.
Icon: External-website Videos and courses to the book: Steyer. R. & Nagel, W. (2017). Probability and Conditional Expectation: Fundamentals for the Empirical Sciences. Chichester: Wiley.